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Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) or heat recovery systems are a great way to keep your house warm, reduce your energy consumption and help the environment.

They can provide a total ventilation system for your home if it’s well sealed.

These systems draw in fresh air from outside and extract heat from internal humid areas like the kitchen and toilets with heat pumps or heat exchangers. They use this warm air to heat fresh incoming air without letting them mix. Then, they return warm air to selected rooms.

Some of the key benefits of a MVHR is that they reduce dust and pollen throughout the house, as they are collected through a filter within your system. They reduce moisture, condensations and smells caused by cooking. Reducing the moisture and condensation in your homes reduces the risks of damp and mould.

A heat recovery system can also save on energy bills and keep you warmer in the winter. New build houses can boast up to 30% savings on heating bills.

You can view the heat recovery systems in SLA's display homes.