On 13 September 2024, the ACT Government assumed a caretaker role, with an election to be held 19 October 2024. Information on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the election and conclusion of the caretaker period.

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Have you always wanted to learn how to grow delicious food in your own backyard? Join us at our ‘Growing Food Through the Seasons’ workshop series to help you grow a bountiful food garden all year long.

Hosted by Fiona Buining from the Ainslie Urban Farm, Growing Food Through the Seasons workshops will cover a range of gardening basics including different planting techniques, composting, soil health and more. The series will focus on getting the best from Canberra’s unique growing climate, teaching participants when and what to plant for a bountiful supply of backyard produce year-round.

Fiona is a passionate advocate for local food growing and was awarded a 2020 Churchill Fellowship to investigate urban farm ventures that provide vocational pathways for aspiring food growers. She is an experienced educator committed to enabling more people to grow their own food and promoting the personal, community and environmental benefits of locally grown food.

Growing Food Through the Seasons is a unique offering in Canberra – aiming to give you year-long learning opportunities to ensure you always plan early and plant on time to have something delicious growing in your garden.

Growing Food Through the Seasons Workshop Series 2024

Where: Suburban Land Agency Display Village in Whitlam

When: 10am – 12pm on

  • Saturday 3 February – Planning Your Winter Food Garden
  • Saturday 2 March – Grow Green: Soils, potting mixes & fertility
  • Saturday 6 April – Composting & Carbon Capture
  • Saturday 4 May – Maintaining a Healthy Garden: managing pests & diseases
  • Saturday 1 June – Fun with Fruit: Growing Fruit Trees
  • Saturday 17 August – Raising Spring & Summer Seedlings
  • Saturday 7 September – Spring into Summer: Get ready for Summer growing
  • TBC October – Planting a Verge Veggie Garden
  • Saturday 2 November – Planning Year-round Food Production

For further information about the workshops and to register your interest in the full program, contact the SLA Sustainability Team on [email protected]