On 13 September 2024, the ACT Government assumed a caretaker role, with an election to be held 19 October 2024. Information on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the election and conclusion of the caretaker period.

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The Indicative Land Release Program (ILRP) identifies Block 14 Section 99 Curtin (the Site) to be released for sale in the 2023-24 financial year with an identified use as a village style dementia care facility.

Before releasing the site, we are engaging with community, people with lived experience of dementia and with dementia care experts to create a Place Development Brief (the Brief).

The Brief will outline community aspirations for the site including design objectives for the development and consideration for co-located services/uses. The Brief will be provided as part of the sales pack to potential developers of the site. The tender process will require interested developers to respond to the Brief, among other criteria.

For more information and to share your ideas, please visit https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/curtin-dementia-village-site.