The Suburban Land Agency has commenced work on the future Molonglo Group Centre and surrounds.
The site comprising 97 hectares of retail, commercial, community and residential land will be the heart of the Molonglo Valley. It will be home to the main shopping precinct, a homemakers and service trades precinct, the district library and community centre, an indoor sport and recreation facility, a high school and college, a central district playground and will be home to around 10,000 future Molonglo residents.
A comprehensive community and stakeholder engagement strategy will commence in early 2024 which will be aided by an indicative urban design that is consistent with the Territory Plan. The design includes a tree-lined commercial boulevard and new intersections on John Gorton Drive as well as a pedestrian focussed retail and community precinct.
The project will be delivered in four stages over the coming 8 to 10 years with construction of the retail core commencing in 2026.