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Treecycle is a sculpture by Al Phemister, Dinah Vandermeys, and the community – designed to challenge you to rethink waste.

Do you think about your rubbish or recycling before, or after you throw it away? What things do you think of as waste?

Did you know that hard plastic smaller than a credit card can’t be recycled using our current recycling technology?

Al Phemister and Dinah Vandermeys are the creative team behind Treecycle, a sculpture that challenges you to rethink waste. These artists worked with people who attended the Display Village at Whitlam launch event in November 2022 to create the sculpture with community.

Milk bottle tops and other small and hard to recycle items were threaded onto branches made of steel reclaimed from industrial building sites, to create the colourful tree sculpture with the community.

Treecycle has now been placed among the landscaping at the Display Village– a reminder for everyone who visits to recycle right, and consider how to reduce or rethink their waste – imagine what is possible.

You can now drop of your hard to recycle plastic items in the Mingle community area. Our Mingle Team are committed to sharing this story of sustainability, and will ensure the items are incorporated into Treecycle during future events in Whitlam.