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If you’re installing home solar panels, adding a battery is a great way to maximise the benefits of renewable energy.

Batteries can be used to store energy from renewable sources, such as your rooftop solar panels. Throughout the day, your rooftop solar panels capture energy from the sun, which is transformed into power for your home by an inverter. Excess energy generated by your solar panels is sent to your battery. This means you can use the stored energy to power your home when you need it most – including at night, when it’s overcast, or at peak times when electricity is most expensive to buy from the grid, helping you save on your energy bills.

Depending on the battery storage setup, you may also be able to access backup power during an outage. The benefits don’t stop there - tapping into the power of the sun helps the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and apps allow you to conveniently monitor your consumption on your smartphone.

At the Display Village Innovation Precinct, we have installed batteries with the following specifications:

  1. SLA's Silver Level Livable Home – 6.6kw Battery for 5 kw Solar panels
  2. SLA's Gold Level Livable Home – 6.6kw Battery for 5 kw Solar panels
  3. SLA's Platinum Level Livable Home – 9.6kw Battery for 5kw Solar panels
  4. Sales and Information Centre and Mingle Community Hub - 9.6kw Battery 15kw Solar panels

We all have different energy needs for our households and lifestyles, it’s important to check the specifications of a battery before you purchase one. Some important specifications to consider are the battery capacity, efficiency, lifecycles and depth of discharge. Just like solar panels, batteries should be installed by a qualified person.

You can learn more about batteries from the YourHome website.