On 13 September 2024, the ACT Government assumed a caretaker role, with an election to be held 19 October 2024. Information on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the election and conclusion of the caretaker period.

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We are delighted to share the Place Ambition for Gungahlin Town Centre East - a place that cares for Country, connects the community, creates new ways of living and working, and curates partnerships to achieve outstanding outcomes.

Developed with community, the Place Ambition outlines four pillars and together with the Design and Place Framework that is being finalised, will guide future development. 

Feedback provided by the Gungahlin Community Panel on the draft Framework is also available.

Our thanks to the Gungahlin community, and especially the Gungahlin Community Panel, for so generously sharing their views with us and thank you for your patience as we finalise this important Framework.

For more information go to https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/gungahlin-town-centre-east.