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To have a home that’s both comfy and doesn’t waste heat, you need good insulation and airtightness, plus ventilation that works well.

What’s Ventilation? 

Ventilation is when you let fresh air from outside come into your house on purpose to keep the air inside nice and clean. You can do this the old-fashioned way by opening windows or use modern methods like fans and special systems.

And Airtightness? 

Airtightness means making sure outside air doesn’t sneak in where it’s not wanted, like through cracks around windows or walls. This keeps your home warm in winter and cool in summer without using too much power.

Why Are They Important? 

As houses get better built, it’s even more important to have good ventilation. If your house is airtight, it saves energy and keeps you warm or cool without costing a lot. But, you have to be careful not to let moisture build up. Opening windows often or using fans can help with this.

What’s the Passivhaus Standard? 

Some super-insulated houses, like those built to the Passivhaus standard, don’t need regular heaters or air conditioners. They just need a special system that brings in fresh air without losing the cozy or cool air inside.

Our Project at the Innovation Precinct 

We paid extra attention to building quality to make sure there were no leaks where air could escape. After we built the houses, we checked for leaks using a special test and a camera that sees heat to make sure they were as airtight as we planned.

How Did We Test It? 

We did a test to see if the air stayed inside at the right level, which is 5 times the air changing in an hour. That’s way better than most houses, which have 15 to 20 times the air changing in an hour.

Want to See How We Did It? 

There’s a cool video that shows how we tested the houses to make sure they were airtight. It even shows how we used a special camera to find any leaks and fix them!