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One in four Australian households now have solar panels on their roofs, the highest uptake in the world. Join the trend!

Investing in solar panels is cost-efficient and has a positive environmental impact.

In Whitlam, we are supporting residents to install solar panels by offering a $10,000 Whitlam Energy Rebate package, setting out actions to design a more sustainable home.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems can be stand-alone or connected to the power grid. Talk with your builder about installing these for your new home and consider adding a home battery.

Our display homes at the Innovation Precinct have solar panels with the following capacity installed:

  1. SLA's Silver Level Livable Home – 5kw Solar
  2. SLA's Gold Level Livable Home – 5kw Solar
  3. SLA's Platinum Level Livable Home – 5kw Solar
  4. Sales and Information Centre and Mingle Community Hub – 15kw Solar

Visit the SLA Display Village to find more great ways to save by going all-electric.