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Every yard or garden has a unique set of circumstances, such as sun direction, shading, soil type and water run-off. Help your garden thrive by choosing the right plants for Canberra’s climate and soil.

It’s easy to create a beautiful, climate-wise garden.

These days, it’s even more important to consider the climate when designing your garden. Why?

  1. With hot summers, cold winters and everything in between, Canberra’s seasonal conditions affect plant health
  2. Just like other parts of the world, Canberra is expected to experience more extreme weather events and more days over 35°C due to climate change. Gardens need to be resilient.
  3. We can all reduce unnecessary water use or run-off Healthy gardens mean more enjoyment for families (and the birds and bees!).

Consider your needs

Create a garden to respond to your block’s sun direction, slopes, shade and soil. Remember, these needs may be different in your front yard compared to your back yard. Decide if you want to include edible options such as fruit trees and herbs. It’s worth considering rainwater tanks and drip irrigation systems as part of your planning. Get help choosing plants from your local garden nursery or use the Canberra Plant Selector.

Designing a climate-wise garden

Climate-wise gardens often include deciduous trees to provide shelter in summer and let in sunlight through winter. Groundcover plants typically require little water. We have worked local landscape architect Edwina Robinson to develop hand-drawn garden designs to help your planning.

Download the designs fromour Climate Wise Garden Designs booklet.