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Reducing water consumption in the home is a simple and easy way to decrease water and energy bills and lessen your household’s impact on the environment.

On-site wastewater reuse can reduce water use in your home. Most homes use potable (drinkable) water for practically everything in the house and garden. Greywater is wastewater from non-toilet plumbing fixtures such as showers, basins and taps. By processing this water through separate filter and tank systems and disinfecting with ultraviolet light this water can be reused in your gardens.

Reusing wastewater outdoors can reduce a household’s potable water use by 30–50%.

By using wastewater as a resource rather than a waste product, you can:

  • Reduce water bills
  • Use fewer water resources Irrigate the garden during drought or water restrictions
  • Cut down the amount of pollution going into waterways
  • Help save money on new infrastructure for water supplies and wastewater treatment
  • Decrease demand on infrastructure for sewage transport, treatment, and disposal, allowing it to work better and last longer

Visit our Display Village and see how this is incorporated around our Innovation Precinct.

You can learn more about this on the YourHome website.