Your complete guide to buying process.
Everything to make your dream home a reality.
Get your home through a house and land package.
Helping low to medium income households.
Our community development program that builds thriving and sustainable communities.
Explore how our rebates can help you achieve your dreams of sustainable, affordable living.
The Suburban Land Agency has several ways for builders to purchase land.
Put and Call gives you the opportunity to secure blocks of land with an extended settlement.
Learn about our sales process and find land for sale.
Find out about our vision for the ACT.
Growing the number of rental homes in Canberra.
See what's coming up in the future.
Browse our latest commercial and industrial sales results.
Learn why we need to live in happy, green and prosperous communities.
Find out how we aim to create great places where communities thrive.
Learn about our Built Form Program that is delivering climate-wise building projects.
Find guides and rebates that can help you build a sustainable home.
Find out how we embed sustainability into all our work.
Learn how we use Placemaking to understand the needs of the community and the environment.
Discover how we're protecting our communities against climate change.
Learn how we're making the ACT the most energy efficient place in Australia.
Find out how we're transitioning to a more circular economy.
Learn how we're improving the wellbeing of communities through design, development and engagement.
Our vision, our team, our CEO and Board.
Learn about out Reconciliation Action Plan.
Help create vibrant communities and sustainable neighbourhoods for ACT.
We sponsor a range of organisations, activities and events.
View our latest awards and achievements.
Delivering residential, commercial and industrial developments.
Valuations and setting reserve prices.
The framework that guides our actions.
Find out when land is likely to be made available.
Find all our published documents in one place.